- Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
- Biennials
- Pot Flowers
- Annual Mixtures
- Annuals
- Annuals for cutting or drying
- Ammobium - Winged Everlasting
- Callistephus - aster
- Carthamus - Safflower
- Celosia - Cocksomb
- Centaurea cyanus
- Consolida regalis (Delphinium ajacis) -Larkspur
- Coreopsis grandiflora - Tickseed
- Coreopsis tinctoria
- Craspedia globosa - Billy Buttons
- Cucurbita - Ornamental Gourds
- Euphorbia marginata - Snow on the mountain
- Gomphrena - Globe amaranth
- Helianthus annuus - Sunflower
- Helichrysum bracteatum (Xerochrysum bracteatum) - Strawflower
- Helichrysum subulifolium
- Helipterum
- Lagenaria - Calabash
- Limonium - Statice
- Lonas annua
- Matthiola incana - fiala
- Moluccella laevis - Bells of Ireland
- Nigella
- Papaver - Poppy
- Scabiosa stellata - Scabious
- Novelties
- Grasses
- Perennials
- Vegetables
Centaurea cyanus
(4)Asteraceae, annual plant, direct sowing into the soil, 7 g per 1000 plants, sowing usually in III – IV for very early flowering can be sown even in autumn, too dense sowing must be torn to achieve a plant spacing of about 15-30 cm, flowering period V – IX.
An impressive plants intended for flower beds in a country style, but can also be successfully applied in city parks or gardens. Cut flowers can be used fresh or dried. It branches well, forming long and flexible flower stalks. It performs well especially in sunny areas, but it performs well in any well permeable soil.
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