- Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
- Biennials
- Pot Flowers
- Annual Mixtures
- Annuals
- Annuals for cutting or drying
- Ammobium - Winged Everlasting
- Callistephus - aster
- Carthamus - Safflower
- Celosia - Cocksomb
- Centaurea cyanus
- Consolida regalis (Delphinium ajacis) -Larkspur
- Coreopsis grandiflora - Tickseed
- Coreopsis tinctoria
- Craspedia globosa - Billy Buttons
- Cucurbita - Ornamental Gourds
- Euphorbia marginata - Snow on the mountain
- Gomphrena - Globe amaranth
- Helianthus annuus - Sunflower
- Helichrysum bracteatum (Xerochrysum bracteatum) - Strawflower
- Helichrysum subulifolium
- Helipterum
- Lagenaria - Calabash
- Limonium - Statice
- Lonas annua
- Matthiola incana - fiala
- Moluccella laevis - Bells of Ireland
- Nigella
- Papaver - Poppy
- Scabiosa stellata - Scabious
- Novelties
- Grasses
- Perennials
- Vegetables
Callistephus - Aster
(26)Asteraceae, annual, high varieties for cutting, low varieties as a pot plant, seedlings sale in V - VI, sowing 5 g per 1,000 plants, III - IV, germination 7 - 14 days at 15 - 21 °C, high temperature slows germination down, planting at 14-16°C, temperature below 8°C stops the growth, low temperatures combined with short days will result in the development of a leaf rosette only, which will create blossom stems only after the day gets longer and cultivation temperatures higher, thus, avoid sowing too early or extend daytime artificially, flower pot size 8 to 10 cm, direct sowing 0.8 g per 1 m, cultivation period 14 to 16 weeks.