Home / Vegetables / Brassica oleracea var. acephala - Curly Kale
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Brassica oleracea var. acephala - Curly Cale, TSW 3-5 g, 200 - 300 seeds in 1 g. Sowing in May to June directly on flower bed with spacing 50-60 x 50 cm. We can also sow in February - March for pre-growing of seedlings for planting in April. Its demands are close to other brassicas crops. We gradually harvest leaves from October throughout the winter. They are used in a raw condition, such as decoration of dishes or in the kitchen as a cabbage.



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Curly Kale Kadet 10g Curly Kale Kadet 10g Art.No.: 613020
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2,80 €
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