Home / Vegetables / Brassica oleracea convar. capitata - Cabbage
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Brassica oleracea convarieta capitata TSW 3-5 g, 200 - 300 seeds in 1 g. Early varieties are cultivated from pre-cultivated seedlings, late varieties are sown directly to bed. We provide a regular supply of water during vegetation. We harvest by hand, stored at 1-2 ° C and high humidity (95 %). Cabbage requires fertile soils with a good nutrient supply and high-water retention. For early varieties, we choose lighter soils, for heavy cabbage and heavier soil, with a pH in the range of 6 - 7. Cabbage is included in the first line.



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Products per page: 12 21 50 100 Third gallery Small rows
 Title Price
Cabbage Sláva F1 5g Cabbage Sláva F1 5g Art.No.: 642020
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4,81 €
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Cabbage Zora 10g Cabbage Zora 10g Art.No.: 642110
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2,33 €
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Cabbage Pourovo pozdní (Pour's Late) 10g Cabbage Pourovo pozdní (Pour's Late) 10g Art.No.: 642210
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2,33 €
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Cabbage Polar 10g Cabbage Polar 10g Art.No.: 642250
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3,91 €
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Cabbage Mars 10g Cabbage Mars 10g Art.No.: 643010
Low stock - order quickly!
3,45 €
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Cabbage Hornet F1 5g Cabbage Hornet F1 5g Art.No.: 642050
Low stock - order quickly!
9,43 €
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Cabbage Betti  F1 5g Cabbage Betti F1 5g Art.No.: 642010
Ready for shipping
10,09 €
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Cabbage Kabinet F1 500 seeds Cabbage Kabinet F1 500 seeds Art.No.: 642120
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9,01 €
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Products per page: 12 21 50 100
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