Home / Pot Flowers / Asparagus - Asparagus Fern



Asparagaceae, for greenhouse growing, as pot flower, for cutting, year-round sale as a pot flower, sowing 1500 seeds per 1000 plants, cover with vermiculite, germination 25-30 days at 22–25 °C, growing in pots 10-12 cm, 20–22 °C, cultivation period 10-12 months, in the winter months for the production of greenness is necessary to maintain a temperature 10-15 ° C

The seed should be sown immediately. For better germination, dive it in lukewarm water for 48 hours before sowing. Seeds of this kind quickly lose germination, so we registered the orders and send them immediately after receiving the fresh seed from the producer. The first harvests are available at the end of December and continue until the beginning of the summer.


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Products per page: 12 21 50 100 Third gallery Small rows
 Title Price
Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri 4g Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri 4g Art.No.: 000190
Ready for shipping
8,30 €
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Asparagus FuzzyFern™ Frizz 100 seeds Asparagus FuzzyFern™ Frizz 100 seeds Art.No.: 012710
Ready for shipping
8,73 €
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Products per page: 12 21 50 100
 Title Price