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Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Coral' FSN 100 seeds

No ratings. Art.No.: 013070 Product number: 8591088021688
70-90 cm, coral pink, VII - IX, K4, 1200 seeds in 1 g, awards Fleuroselect Novelty 2017
Warranty: No warranty
Availability: Ready for shipping
12,76 € , plus Shipping
(12,76 €/ks)

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Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Coral' FSN 100 seeds

Twizzle varieties bloom in the first year without the need for vernalization. They have a naturally elegant habit with strong upright stems and long, airy, tubular flower spikes. They are excellent in both annuals and perennial plantings, attracting pollinators. Twizzle varieties are quite drought tolerant and relatively frost tolerant. Germinates at 15-20°C, flowers VII-IX from sowing in II-IV, sown in IX for early spring flowering and overwinters in a cold greenhouse. 

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