- Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
- Biennials
- Pot Flowers
- Annual Mixtures
- Annuals
- Annuals for cutting or drying
- Novelties
- Grasses
- Perennials
- Aconitum
- Agastache
- Achillea - Yarrow
- Alcea
- Alyssum saxatile - Basket of gold
- Aquilegia caerulea
- Armeria - Thrift
- Asclepias
- Asphodeline
- Aster
- Astilbe
- Aubrieta cultorum
- Bergenia
- Berkheya
- Buphthalmum
- Campanula - Bellflower
- Carlina acaulis - Silver thistle
- Coreopsis
- Delphinium - Larkspur
- Dianthus plumarius
- Digitalis
- Doronicum orientale - Leopard's Bane
- Echinacea
- Eryngium
- Gaillardia aristata - Blanketflower
- Gaultheria
- Gaura
- Gentiana
- Geum
- Gypsophila paniculata - Baby´s breath
- Helenium
- Heuchera
- Hibiscus moscheutos - ibišek
- Chrysanthemum - Mums
- Iberis sempervirens - Evergreen candytuft
- Incarvillea
- Inula
- Knautia
- Kniphofia
- Lavandula angustifolia - English lavender
- Leontopodium alpinum - Edelweiss
- Leucanthemum
- Lewisia
- Liatris spicata - Dense blazing star
- Limonium tataricum - Statice
- Lobelia x speciosa
- Lupinus polyphyllus - Large leaved Lupine
- Lychnis
- Mertensia maritima
- Monarda didyma - Crimson beebalm
- Nepeta
- Papaver nudicaule - Iceland Poppy
- Penstemon barbatus
- Physalis - Ground cherry
- Primula
- Pritzelago
- Anemone - Pulsatilla
- Rudbeckia - Coneflowers
- Sagina subulata - Irish Moss
- Salvia nemorosa
- Santolina
- Saxifraga
- Scabiosa
- Sedum
- Sempervivum
- Stachys
- Thalictrum
- Trollius
- Verbascum
- Veronica
- Vegetables
(1)Asclepias tuberosa is a perennial flowering plant in its first year. It flowers in VI-IX, with attractive, bright flowers that attract butterflies. It is an ideal plant for mixed perennial beds in sunny, dry sites; well-drained soil is important. It is one of the fast germinating perennials usually sown in III-IV in the greenhouse, transplanted into pots or beds in V and transplanted into open ground in VI-VII. For sale of flowering plants in May sow XII-II.
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