Viola cornuta
(16)Violaceae, for flower beds, containers and as a pot plant, sale in III-VI and VIII-X, sowing 3 g or 1,500 seeds per 1,000 plants, cover with vermiculite, for autumn sale end of V - beginning of VII, greenhouse culture for early spring sale mid VIII - mid IX, for sale in May I, germination 14-20 days at 15-18 °C, the Floral F1 varieties 7–15 days at 18–20 °C, pricking out 4-5 weeks after sowing into 8-12 flower pots, 10°C, in winter months keep temperature at 3-5°C, cult. period 11-14 weeks (for autumn sale), 18-22 weeks (for spring sale) depending on the cultivation temperatures; for Floral F1 varieties recommended temperatures 12-15 °C (day) 8-10 °C, (night), lower temperatures extend cultivation time, but lead to more compact plants, for growth control can be used 0.2-0.3% B-Nine spraying, high doses of the product or application at temperatures above 32 °C can damage plants.