- Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
- Biennials
- Pot Flowers
- Annual Mixtures
- Annuals
- Ageratum Houstonianum - Floss Flower
- Alternathera
- Amberboa
- Angelonia
- Antirrhinum Majus - Snapdragon
- Bacopa - Sutera Cordata
- Begonia
- Beta vulgaris - ornamental chard
- Brachycome - Swan River Daisy
- Brassica oleracea - Ornamental Cabbage, Ornamental Kale
- Browallia americana
- Calendula officinalis
- Callistephus chinensis - Aster
- Canna
- Catharanthus - Vinca
- Cleome
- Cobaea
- Coleus blumei - Painted Nettle
- Cosmidium
- Cosmos bipinnatus
- Cosmos sulphureus
- Cucumis - ornamental cucumber
- Cuphea ignea - Cigar Flower
- Dahlia variabilis - Redskin
- Datura metel
- Delphinium grandiflorum
- Dianthus caryophyllus -Carnation
- Dianthus chinensis
- Dianthus interspecific
- Diascia barberae - Twin Spur
- Dichondra
- Dorotheanthus bellidiformis -Livingstone Daisy
- Emilia
- Erigeron karvinskianus - Fleabane
- Eschscholzia californica
- Euphorbia graminea
- Gaillardia aristata - Blanketflower
- Gazania - Treasure Flower
- Gomphocarpus physocarpus
- Gypsophila muralis - Baby´s Breath
- Heliotropium arborescens - Heliotrope
- Impatiens hawkeri (Impatiens New Guinea)
- Impatiens walleriana - balsam
- Ipomoea
- Isotoma - Rock Isotome, Laurentia
- Kochia
- Lathyrus odoratus
- Leonurus sibiricus
- Linaria marocana
- Linum grandiflorum
- Lobelia erinus - Trailing Lobelia
- Lobularia maritima - Alyssum maritimum
- Madia
- Malope
- Melampodium paludosum - Butter Daisy
- Mimulus - Monkey Flower
- Mina lobata - Spanish Flag
- Nemesia strumosa
- Nicotiana Alata - Ornamental Tobacco
- Nicotiana x hybrida
- Nierembergia hippomanica
- Nolana napiformis
- Origanum x hybrida
- Osteospermum -Dimorphotheca ecklonis
- Papaver rhoeas
- Pelargonium x Hortorum - Geranium
- Pelargonium peltatum - standard overhanging Geranium
- Penstemon hartwegii
- Pentas lanceolata
- Petunia hybrida
- Phlox drummondii - Drummond´s phlox
- Plectranthus
- Polygonum capitatum - Smartweed
- Portulaca grandiflora - Moss Rose
- Ptilotus exaltatus
- Rhodochiton
- Ricinus communis - Castor Bean
- Rudbeckia hirta - Black-eyed Susan
- Salvia - Sage
- Sanvitalia procumbens
- Scabiosa atropurpurea
- Senecio cineraria
- Silene pendula
- Spilanthes
- Tagetes x hybridus - Marigold
- Tagetes erecta - Marigold
- Tagetes filifolia
- Tagetes lucida
- Tagetes patula - Marigold
- Tagetes tenuifolia
- Talinum paniculatum
- Tanacetum parthenium (Chrysanthemum)
- Thunbergia - Black-Eyed Susan Vine
- Thymophylla tenuiloba
- Tropaeolum
- Verbena bonariensis
- Verbena hybrida
- Verbena rigida
- Verbena speciosa
- Zinnia
- Zinnia maryladica - Zahara
- Annuals for cutting or drying
- Novelties
- Grasses
- Perennials
- Vegetables
Salvia × interspecific
(1)Lamiaceae, annual for flowerbeds, sale V-VI, sowing 10 g or 1500 seeds per 1000 plants., II-IV for sale of flowering plants from IV, sow into flats, germinate for 4 days at 20-25 °C, germination does not require light, transplant after 4 weeks into 4 l pots, 20-26 °C during the day, 18-20 °C at night, optionally we can extend the day, cultivation period 12-17 weeks depending on light conditions, temperature and day length, treatment with growth regulator B-Nine 0,25 % - first application 2 weeks after sowing, repeat after 7-10 days as needed.
Important: 14 to 21 days after transplanting, the plants must be pinched and left only 4 leaves. However, they can also be grown in smaller pots without bloom (approx. 9 weeks) for quick use in large plantings.
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