- Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
- Biennials
- Pot Flowers
- Annual Mixtures
- Annuals
- Ageratum Houstonianum - Floss Flower
- Alternathera
- Amberboa
- Angelonia
- Antirrhinum Majus - Snapdragon
- Bacopa - Sutera Cordata
- Begonia
- Beta vulgaris - ornamental chard
- Brachycome - Swan River Daisy
- Brassica oleracea - Ornamental Cabbage, Ornamental Kale
- Browallia americana
- Calendula officinalis
- Callistephus chinensis - Aster
- Canna
- Cardiospermum
- Catharanthus - Vinca
- Cleome
- Cobaea
- Coleus blumei - Painted Nettle
- Cosmidium
- Cosmos bipinnatus
- Cosmos sulphureus
- Cucumis - ornamental cucumber
- Cuphea ignea - Cigar Flower
- Dahlia variabilis - Redskin
- Datura metel
- Delphinium grandiflorum
- Dianthus barbatus
- Dianthus caryophyllus -Carnation
- Dianthus chinensis
- Dianthus interspecific
- Diascia barberae - Twin Spur
- Dichondra
- Dorotheanthus bellidiformis -Livingstone Daisy
- Emilia
- Erigeron karvinskianus - Fleabane
- Eschscholzia californica
- Euphorbia graminea
- Gaillardia aristata - Blanketflower
- Gaillardia pulchella
- Gazania - Treasure Flower
- Gomphocarpus physocarpus
- Gypsophila muralis - Baby´s Breath
- Heliotropium arborescens - Heliotrope
- Chrysanthemum paludosum
- Impatiens hawkeri (Impatiens New Guinea)
- Impatiens interspecific
- Impatiens walleriana - balsam
- Ipomoea
- Isotoma - Rock Isotome, Laurentia
- Kochia
- Lathyrus odoratus
- Leonurus sibiricus
- Linaria marocana
- Linum grandiflorum
- Lobelia erinus - Trailing Lobelia
- Lobularia maritima - Alyssum maritimum
- Madia
- Malope
- Melampodium paludosum - Butter Daisy
- Mimulus - Monkey Flower
- Mina lobata - Spanish Flag
- Nemesia strumosa
- Nicotiana Alata - Ornamental Tobacco
- Nicotiana x hybrida
- Nierembergia hippomanica
- Nolana napiformis
- Origanum x hybrida
- Osteospermum -Dimorphotheca ecklonis
- Oxypetalum coeruleum - Tweedia
- Papaver rhoeas
- Pelargonium x Hortorum - Geranium
- Pelargonium peltatum - standard overhanging Geranium
- Pentas lanceolata
- Petchoa
- Petunia hybrida
- Phlox drummondii - Drummond´s phlox
- Plectranthus
- Polygonum capitatum - Smartweed
- Portulaca grandiflora - Moss Rose
- Ptilotus exaltatus
- Rhodochiton
- Ricinus communis - Castor Bean
- Rudbeckia hirta
- Salvia - Sage
- Sanvitalia procumbens
- Scabiosa atropurpurea
- Senecio cineraria
- Silene pendula
- Tagetes × hybridus - Marigold
- Tagetes erecta - Marigold
- Tagetes filifolia
- Tagetes lucida
- Tagetes patula - Marigold
- Tagetes tenuifolia
- Talinum paniculatum
- Tanacetum parthenium (Chrysanthemum)
- Thunbergia - Black-Eyed Susan Vine
- Thymophylla tenuiloba
- Tropaeolum
- Verbena bonariensis
- Verbena hybrida
- Verbena rigida
- Verbena speciosa
- Zinnia
- Zinnia maryladica - Zahara
- Annuals for cutting or drying
- Novelties
- Grasses
- Perennials
- Vegetables
Petunia hybrida
(164)Solanaceae, annual for flower boxes, containers and flower beds, sale in IV-VI, sowing 0,25 g or 1,500 seeds per 1,000 plants, II-III, germination 6-10 days at 22-24 °C, germinating without light is not recommended, do not cover with soil, at first apply 100% air humidity, pelletised seeds must be poured so that the pellets break, then reduce temperature to 16°C, pricking out after 15-20 days, II-IV, at first 18-20°C, later 15-17°C, additional fertilising by 50-75 ppm N in fertiliser with nutrient ratio 13-2-13-6Ca-3Mg, III-IV into 8-9 cm flower pots, in the first 6 weeks after transplanting keep a minimum temperature of 13°C for the development of bloom bases, later lower temperature supports the compactness of plants, petunia needs a long day for blooming (13 hours or more), for very early blooming the day can be artificially prolonged, additional fertilisation with 150-200 ppm N in the above-mentioned fertiliser, make sure not to block Fe in the substrate by too high pH value, which would become visible by light coloured youngest leaves, lack of B will damage vegetative growing shots, shortage of Ca will cause deformation of the leaves, growth regulation by 2-3 sprayings with B-Nine 0.35%, cultivation period 14-18 weeks.
Number of sprayings with B-Nine depends on the luxuriance of the individual varieties. Small flowered varieties should be sprayed more intensively than large flowered ones. The quantity of sunlight, temperature and nutrition is also important. First spraying is recommended when plants, transplanted into flower pots or containers with a diameter of around 8 cm, have started to grow and extended their leaves on the substrate. Spraying can be repeated in 10-14 days. To determine the number and intervals of sprayings, the above-mentioned factors must be evaluated individually. When the plants start to give off buds, stop the treatment to avoid small blossoms. Petunias Superbissima are sometimes sensitive to B-Nine spraying. Do not use B-Nine preparation for wilted plants and at temperatures above 32°C, otherwise you risk damage to the plants.
- Minipetunia
- Petunia superbissima
- Petunia with rippled and fringed flower edges
- Petunia grandiflora
- Petunia multiflora
- Double-flowered petunia
- Spreading petunia